- These fields are required
We use email as our primary mode of communication.
Please check your inbox regularly for information from us.
Note: You can always reach us at recruiting@calband.org
Please enter a cell phone number at which you are easily reachable.
This will be a last resort contact if we cannot reach you by other means.
Will you be attending UC Berkeley for the 2025-2026 academic year?
If you've been accepted and are still deciding, please mark Yes
I am a(n)
On primary instrument
Please list where you learned your primary instrument/other instruments (High School Music Ensemble, Community College Music Ensemble, Private Tutor, Self-Taught, Etc.)
Tellefsen Hall (TH), sometimes known as "The Band House", is home to 44 Cal Band members. We have our own full time chef, cleaning staff, and Board of Directors comprised of Cal Band Alumni. We offer a living experience that you can't get anywhere else on campus.
Should you anticipate needing accommodations during the audition process or marching season, please reach out to the Executive Secretary, Jazmin Garache at jazmingarache@berkeley.edu and/or the Head of Accommodations, Anthony Jin at anthony.jin@berkeley.edu.
If you have any additional comments or concerns, please note them down below as well.